Wednesday, October 11, 2006

American schools postponed till R2

I have decided not to rush with my Harvard application after my recommender looked through my essays (you know, the ones with "leadership, leadership, leadership, leadership" all over the place) and said:
- Hmmm, it seems to me, you've missed leadership here.
- Where? Where?
- Between leadership and leadership, I suppose.
- Arghhh....
So I focused on writing Chevening scholarship essays instead (who knows, maybe this year I will be more lucky?) and submitted them yesterday.
And now I have just the LBS application left. Still significant amount of work, because even harmless question "With whom have you discussed your plans to undertake MBA studies and what were their responses?" in the application took me 40 minutes to answer. I reprobate myself for not saving last year application (I have only essays left). If you're applying, be clever than me and save it :) It is saved easily unlike the Harvard one...
A piece of good news is that LBS accepts e-mail recommendations this year.